Need to add the SQL Request control that is in the on-premises version to Nintex Forms for O365
This functionality exists in the SharePoint on premises product, and we need the same functionality to migrate an existing form to SharePoint Online. The form needs access to our customer data and this dataset is too large to keep in a SharePoint ...
Forms - Create exception for people picker validation when editing forms with deleted user accounts
When user accounts are deleted in Microsoft Entra, the associated SharePoint user profile is deleted from all SharePoint Online sites. This causes an "unable to save" error when trying to submit edits to forms that contain people picker fields wit...
Nintex Forms > Add ability to clear selected content in Data Lookup controls via Form Rule settings
There are occasions on Forms when a Data Lookup Control is used to select a value by a user but the relevance of the Control or the value selected becomes nullified by virtue of actions (changing conditions) involving other controls on the form. H...
Hide or redirect the Close botton on the New Responsive Form
In the ribon, at the top left, there is a Close button. This Close button redirects the form to the list it is connected to. There are times that you need that Close button to redirect somewhere else. The Cancel & Submit buttons already do it ...
Please provide a field option to fix its position on the form so when a field to the left of the field in question is hidden by a display rule the fields to the right do not shift left to fill the vacant space. Really annoying if you create a nice...
List Lookups do not change the URL when importing to another site
When importing a Form to another site e.g. from Dev to Prod all fields that include a lookup still include the old URL where the Form was exported from. This generates extra effort when you want to use different Sites for Dev and Prod and also gen...
Select multiple values at once in multiple lookup control
Hi, On the new responsive form, when we use a control lookup with multi value enabled, it would be good to: Be able to select multiple values at once, in a multiple lookup control. for exemple, be able to use "ctrl + A" to select all values
Can you increase the list lookup (& data lookup in NWC) limitation from 5,000 to up to 20,000 items? I am not able to utilize the list lookup to connect to important data from our ERP system due to the 5,000 items limitation.
Nintex Forms - Find data lookup fields; Share data connections
It would be great if New Responsive Forms could share Data Lookup sources the way NAC and Nintex O365 workflows do. This may be a big ask. Even showing data lookups in Nintex Analytics would be a huge help.
From a lookup field settings, it's possible to add additional columns to show each of these according to the selected item.On SharePoint Online these additional columns are available and can be displayed for instance in a list view.At the moment, ...